Next Generation Harvest’s Mission: Giving Access to Youths thru Adults through Education and Vocation for a Sustainable Life. Supporting Food Initiatives through S.T.E.M. Education and Agriculture Technology Farming Methods

Next Generation Harvest’s Value: “Each one, teach one” is a philosophy we use in our programs. Generations teaching generations the tools needed for reducing hunger through local food production, creating job sustainability in a much needed area of trade.

3D Model of Sustainability

FullCircle26,Inc. and Next Generation Harvest Foundation continues to experience overwhelming success with children, administrators, and parents through its 3D Model of Sustainability ™ for Education, Food/Health & Mental Wellness and Enterprise. This model provides the foundation and mission for the organization to provide tools needed for reducing hunger through local food production. The COVID-19 virus has exposed the vulnerability of food shortages for children and families that relied on schools for food and the rates of hunger has soared since 2020. Next Generation Harvest Foundation is dedicated to schools, community groups and individuals seeking to provide year-long indoor food production on a local basis.

Our 3D Model of Sustainability™ allows us to offer 3 programs (Education, Food/Health & Mental Wellness and Enterprise) to provide hydroponics learning, seed to harvest growing, and introducing potential jobs. FullCircle26,Inc.’s 3D Model of Sustainability™ highest accolade is for our partners to achieve all 3 models with their programs.


  • Training teachers to teach students to nurture and care for other living things while developing patience and understanding for nature and the world around us

  • Motivate students to eat and love fruits and vegetables

  • Provide opportunities for hands-on learning, inquiry, observation and experimentation

  • Promote STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) by teaching math, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Food/Health & Mental Wellness

  • Improve Health by reducing stress, increasing activity, improving diet which leads to reducing hypertension. Aids mental health by boosting mood, reducing stress, reducing depression and providing a purpose.

  • Determining the best crops for nutritional value and healthy living

  • Using our Tactical Healing Tools™ to provide health and wellness through the 5 senses

  • Managing hydroponic systems growing schedule to keep machines at full produce production and harvesting.

  • Determining and implementation of an effective distribution system to deliver produce.

  • Ongoing crop review, documentation and schedules for continuous and sustainable growth


  • The COVID virus has revealed the challenge of Food Insecurity for Urban areas, People of Color and Economically challenged populations. Growing food hydroponically for jobs and enterprise is a solution that provides sustainable produce all year-long. Determination of local regulatory guidelines, licenses and other government policies.

  • Our programs will assist in determining the right cash crop for ongoing revenue.

  • Enterprise is the final step of the FC26I 3D Model of Sustainability by providing a target for various groups to grow for commercial usage.

  • Enterprise is a vocational opportunity for students to learn the complete cycle of manufacturing, sales and distribution.

  • Enterprise will also prepare participants for the new world of ”Green Jobs”

Our Vision, Mission & Value Proposition

What we have been up to:

Jannie's Hydroponic Explorers - Loudoun VA school program provides children hands-on hydroponics classes with STEM/STEAM and life skills knowledge. This successful program is in its 6th year and has a waiting list for children wanting to participate. Average class is 25 children and will expand to older grades in 2024. Part of Funds will be used to support this and similar programs with additional hydroponic equipment, supplies, training and alignment with other non-profit organizations. Program is on-going.

Successful Oishii Hydroponic Scholarship Grants went out to 8 schools for the 2023-2024 school year.

We have several active and new 3D Model of Sustainability projects that will be supported by your donation:

What we have been up to:

Partial Funds will be allocated for trainings, mentorship and apprenticeship opportunities with local gardening, food, health and wellness non-profit organizations in the Milwaukee area, including the Dominican Center and Groundwork Milwaukee. We hope to expand to include more of the health and mental wellness parts to our programming in the upcoming years.

All programs are on-going…

What have we been up to?

We have worked with the Dominican Center as a FC26I satellite hydroponic lab partner since 2019 and model for urban hydroponic growing. The DC was the first recipient of FC26I 3D Model of Sustainability program  for achievement in all three areas of Education (outreach to local schools), Food Sustainability (grew collard greens for Thanksgiving handout to 100 families), and contract with local chef to grow Italian Basil for revenue.

Funds will be used to support our partnership efforts focus on a Agtech center expansion including: 

  • Support Dominican Center Annual Spring fund-raising events

  • Expand Agtech and outdoor gardening training programs (with Groundwork Milwaukee) for Amani Residents served by the Dominican Center.  Ongoing

  • Partnering with a local Black Engineering group for STEM activities and apprenticeships. Spring/Summer 2025

Next Generation Harvest’s Vision: Helping things GROW - Plants and People Generations teaching generations the tools needed for reducing hunger through local food production and more!

Our 3D Model of Sustainability™